Yes my friends it has been donkeys years since i last blogged! I put it down to being intensely busy and mostly lazy.
Whats been up? Well PLENTY! Life has transformed. My quest in dreaming and chasing dreams continues in my persuit of wisdom and self discovery.
In the past few months not only have I grown as a person but i guess you really discover who you really are and what you've got in you.
Flying, be it my day job continues to amaze me in everyway. A year ago i became a First Officer. 2 bars. 1 year later, i'm chasing my 3rd bar and for a new license, the ATPL(Airline Transport Pilot License). The journey has not been easy. I can tell you that i've not had a perfect flight, though each time i put on my tie heading to work i look at the guy in the mirror and constantly tell myself i am going to be as perfect as perfect can be. It never turns out to be. Theres always that extra mile you find you can do, you improve on knowledge. For knowledge is power in this industry.
Flying isnt all about slapping on a nice uniform, wearing a huge hat with Oakleys and being paid a big salary(not so the Co pilots but you work bloody hard for every cent you earn). And If anyone out there thinks glamour, then clearly you are an ignorant idiot. Theres much more effort and dedication that goes on with this job. Beneathe all that foliage, lies responsibility, passion, precision, hope and above all, the lives of those we carry. Its more of an oath.
Thoughts at 30000ft
-Where am I?
-Am i late am i early?Am i saving fuel or burning more?if im burning more somethings not right, but if im saving lots then it could be the fuel reading is jammed
-If the engine fails, whats the plan?where do i go?left of right?do i have weather? What are suitable diversions?Do i have enough fuel to divert?What height do i descend to?Whats the highest terrain in the area?
-Have i got the latest airfield data?VOLMET(Airborne weather report)?
-If i divert HERE, will we have ground support?
-What was our last clearance and are we sticking to it?
-WHat speed do i descend?can i expect track shortening?am i high?am i low on profile?do i need more drag to slow us down?
-Are my crew and passengers doing alright?is it too cold in the cabin?are they comfortable?
The points from above are just few of the many things that run in the mind of a pilot and lately perfecting all of those is a lot of work. After all, if this is going to be your ricebowl, you might as well be good at it right?
One more area that i've become more accustomed to is the understanding of operating an airline. Each and every member of our team plays a very important part. From the Ramp guys who load and unload luggage/cargo to even the cabin crew. Dont get me started with the dispatchers who do a good job with our documentations and ensuring the logistical challenges of handling over 70 aircraft. They are the unsung heroes. Organising parking bays, cargo loads, movement patterns, aircraft rotations is not an easy task. That does not include delays and technical problems! Sure in the end its the pilot who gets the plane from A to B but the next time you see a baggage handler or even an engineer, think about the work that goes in behind the scenes getting an aircraft airborne. RESPECT!
Then theres the balancing the rest of your life with family, friends and your other goals in life. Its a different challenge altogether and i guess all of this brings you wisdom and for a 22 year old, i sometimes feel like i am 40!
Few months back i decided to become a runner and get mysrlf into a couple of 'marathons'. Its a huge challenge and dare i say it as hard as flying itself as its challenging physically, mentally and a real test to will power. Tomorrow 31st July 2010, i'll be running my second race. 12.3 kms. On my next post,i'll be writing ALL about it. Wish me luck!
1 comment:
Jon you're so happening. I wish i could be just like you.
Chrg Ptl
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