1. I love the smell that comes out of the Car air conditioner when you first switch it on.
2. Each time I listen to a love song, automatically in my head I think of flying a plane on a cloud-less night heading towards the sun
3. Songs get stuck in my head very easily, particularly the old Indian songs my grandma used to play on her radio, it’s the main reason I hate them really.
4. I’m a VERY indecisive person particularly when it comes to going out, eating out oh and dont get me started with menus
5. To fall asleep at night, I imagine being on a bunk bed on a plane on a long haul flight with dim lights and with 13 hours to go on the clock.
6. I cant drink much alcohol and when I do it has to be sweet.
7. I think speeding on the highway to work and with loud fast music in my ears is one of the best feelings in the world!
8. I sometimes tear when I look at planes land or take off. It gets very sentimental.
9. The TV in my room is RARELY ON that the cable decoder actually freezes/jams/hangs because its barely used. Basically each rare occasion I’m having to switch off the main power and ON again.
10. I ask other’s opinion on things that I pick to only do the OPPOSITE of what’s told. Basically I love going against what’s told. I get some form of joy from that. Don’t ask why but it feels good.
11. I love the way dogs walk. Particularly stray dogs. I find it very amusing
12. I hate fine dining.
13. I remove the pickle from my BIGMAC
14. My definition of genuine happiness and peace is flying a plane. It is the love of my life, basically i'd call it MY LIFE.
15. I do not believe in tradition. It annoys me.
16. My mind is always thinking about something. It feels miserable because in a single night of sleep, I get 4-7 different dreams. The annoying thing is that I forget them when I wake up.
That’s 16.
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