Hey guys, its been a pretty interesting week,as always. MFTD did not end very well though. It was more of frustration than the actual relief of completing just another phase. But its always a case of learing from your mistakes. Amazing to learn new things about the love of me life at the moment, The Airbus 320. Life has been all about work work and more work and oo yeah- started full flight Simulator!
I felt like a kid at a toys'r'us during a christmas sale! It was an emotional moment and i've always admired the way pilots work in the cockpit with all the buttons and lights and the whole working as a team. I always would look up them. I always will.. But this week, to do it and experience it on my own is just unbelievable. Pushing the thrust levers to max power on take off is an adrenalin rush all over the body. I had this wide grin on my face and my throat swelled and it was then i even started yawning. Its unreal. Niothing beats this feeling.

Goes without saying its an FUCKING good thing to work with. Its emotional because its as close to the real aircraft as anything ever gets! Essentially a chamber with the actual cockpit itself with the switches and lights and the LCDs. Above all, the controls actually work!! With real ATC!.Amazing piece of technology and it brings bigger motivation because I’m just 1 step away from the big dream. It can be hard and grueling with odd working hours. By hook or by crook. It will happen
Its beeen a horrible weekend really, I’m just desperate to fly again and to return to work and come back fighting. NOTHING will stand in my way. Like I said, this is all I’ve got to hold on to. There’s a lot of hard work and discipline to live up to not only with this, but with gym and people as well. Discipline has been the problem lately, my performances in the sim has not been that good. I intend to do just that this week.

Made a new friend last night, amazing person who got me thinking a lot. Shes very opinionated and very ambitious for an 18 year old. Its not everyday conversations like that happen. It just highlighted to me how it can be with a little belief and ambition that anything is possible.

Hope the year of the OX goes well for each and every one of you. It’s a year of hope, ambition, survival for some of us in this economy I’m yet to fully understand and to stand firm in the believe that there is a future and that we never stop believing in it. Dreams come true.
Enjoy the pictures. =) Have a great week ahead and yes pink panther is on the 5th!! Anyone wanna tag along? Friday night.
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