To say the past few days has been tiring is a bloody understatement. Never in my life have I had to work so hard and to do it consistently on a day to day basis. From time management to the actual task itself. Its been an amazing experience to work with the Airbus A320.

Coming from flying school the transition isn’t really a walk in the park. Its new procedures everyday and what we learn yesterday becomes the base for today..So its an accumulative flow of information which can be pretty demanding. Coming from flying school flying a DA42, 200 flying hours to an airline flying the Airbus A320. It’s a steep learning curve and the most tiring course but using that as a reason to be complacent and to feel pressured is utter bullshit.
Rick: You're a professional, you're and airline pilot now
...A reality which is yet to set in.
Headache, I’m physically not feeling well, mentally worn out, emotionally unaware and above all, I’ve never felt so focused in my entire life. Its an emotional rollercoaster, whatever happens, you need to suck it up and perform.
I have tried to be all relaxed and calm. Failed miserably. The pain in my head and that tightness. Apparently it says it all on my face, i couldnt be bothered by how i feel or how i look. I'll do everthing it takes. This feeling in my head.- Its good shit!
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