The year 2009 is here and its already the end of the first day. I was quite surprised at the level of pessimism there is around. Without a doubt, there is a looming threat of recession on the economy which, to be honest I don’t understand at all and it makes me feel a little stupid because its all over the news and it has started to affect other things as well. Automakers are going bust, F1 teams are folding and people are talking about pay cuts. To make matters a little more confusing, the price of fuel is coming down and so is roti canai! The prices are indeed coming down. I don’t understand things like the stock market. As I said, i’m trying to come to grips with it. It feels stupid not understanding it sometimes.

Its been really great to be back working again. Its amazing to be chosen this quick for the type rating course on the Airbus A320! It feels like a dream that’s come true and it just fires me up each time I think about it. Seeing that red plane fly over the skies, wherever I may be, in the city, at home thru my window or if its on the highway in the car. Looking at it soaring above the sky. It feels amazing but its always a mistake to be emotional about something. This weeks schedule is quite hectic. I’ll be working Mon-Fri and each time we have 4hr MFTD/FMGS(Maintenance flight training device/Flight management system) sessions- the most tiring to date. Plus there will be days where ill have to be in Sepang by 6.30am, which means having to wake up at 5am. Its actually exciting but put it into practice and it will for sure be a handful. Plans will continue and ive got a fitness plan to stick to. The aim- No flab’s on the uniform come the first flight!

Its been a sad year in some ways for me. The people around me shape my world and lately its not been going good for some. Its hard losing something, particularly when its someone dear and close to you. You miss their presence, the warmth, above all the mere existence is now a change. Life is unfair, each and everyday no matter how tough the journey may be no matter how weak and sad, the grief, the pain, through all the suffering and the millions of the chills it sends down the spine. The fight will go on. For we’re coded for failure, we are destined to win.
Expecting a tough week.
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